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Jacquelyn Bonarrigo

Christopher Columbus Lodge # 216 Installation of Officers

The Christopher Columbus Lodge of Brockton held its Installation of Officers on April 3 at George’s Café in Brockton. Lodge Deputy Angelo Geso kindly acted as the Installing Officer.

The following officers were installed: President Todd Petti; Vice President Richard Alfonso; Immediate Past President Jacquelyn Bonarrigo; Recording Secretary Roberta Richard; Treasurer Jody Brunet; Financial Secretary Joseph Daxberger; Orator Gloria Cesarini; Trustees Michelle Connor, Raymond Guarino, Lucille LaFranchise, Lance Petti, and Pasquale Urbano; Sergeant at Arms Linda Pietrantonio; and Mistresses of Ceremony Marianne Nedell and Lois Alfonso.

A delicious pizza and salad dinner provided by George’s Café was enjoyed along with a congratulatory cake and Italian cookies provided by Lodge Members. A social night of special camaraderie and friendship was enjoyed by everyone after.

Newly Installed Officers (L-R) Front row: Sergeant at Arms Linda Pietrantonio, Mistresses of Ceremony Marianne Nedell and Lois Alfonso, Secretary Roberta Richard, Orator Gloria Cesarini, Treasurer Jody Brunet, and Trustee Michelle Connor | Back row: Trustee Raymond Guarino, Vice President Richard Alfonso, Trustee Lucille LaFranchise, President Todd Petti, and Financial Secretary Joseph Daxberger

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