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Grand Lodge

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Christopher Columbus Lodge # 216 Celebrates Festa della Repubblica

Jacquelyn Bonarrigo

On Monday, June 3, 2019, Nicholas Giaquinto, speaking in place for Brockton Mayor Bill Carpenter, welcomed members and guests of the Christopher Columbus Lodge of Brockton, and the Italian American War Veterans Association, to celebrate Festa della Repubblica or Italian Republic Day at Brockton City Hall. This marked the 73rd Anniversary when Italian citizens voted to replace the monarchy for a republic.

The event commenced with a welcome from Nick, who mentioned how proud he was to be of Italian descent and stated he was one of only three Italians currently on the Mayor’s staff. The Italian American War Veterans Association Past National Commander George Cataldo then led the proceedings with the Pledge of Allegiance. Next, Immediate Past President Jacky Bonarrigo gave the convocation citing the Prayer of St. Francis. President Todd Petti was then introduced and gave a short speech indicating the significance of this day in Italy and how the Italian immigrants have given so much to the city of Brockton. Nick then presented Todd with a Proclamation making this day “Italian Republic Day” in the city of Brockton.

Many Lodge members were in attendance and proudly helped raise the Italian Flag on the pole in the courtyard of Brockton City Hall next to the American Flag. Local political guests attending included State Senator Michael Brady, and City Councilors Dennis Eaniri and Jack Lally. Everyone was invited inside City Hall for some refreshments of fresh pizzellas, which had been baked by a Lodge member.

Brockton Mayoral Aide Nicholas Giaquinto presents a proclamation to Lodge President Todd Petti in front of Brockton City Hall

The Italian flag is ceremoniously raised by Brockton Mayoral Aide Nicholas Giaquinto, Immediate Past President Jacky Bonarrigo, and her granddaughter Abby Palmquist

Attending the Ceremony are Raymond Guarino, Pasquale Ciaramella, Dr. Flaviano DiFalco, Linda Pietrantonio, President Todd Petti, Gloria Cesarini, American War Veteran George Cataldo, Sally Urbano, Pasquale Urbano, Jacky Bonarrigo (with future Lodge member Abby Palmquist), Mary Ann Dorgan, Betty Mattolli, and Sisto Volpe


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